Pigmentated and Aging Skin

Pigmentation refers to the colouring of your skin, with the amount of melanin mainly determining the pigment your skin cells produce.When your skin produces more melanin, it becomes darker. This can happen from excess sun exposure, post-inflammation, Melasma (brown patches)- trigger by hormonal changes such as pregnancy or birth control and some medication. Uneven pigmentation can show up as freckles, age spots, or larger patches of discolored skin.

Epidural Spots

Dermal Plaques/ Keratosis

Nevus of Ota

Epidural Spots

Dermal Plaques/ Keratosis

Nevus of Ota

Managing of pigmentation and ages spots involves a combination of topical creams (hydroquinone, vitamin C and retinoids etc), prevention of sun exposure and professional treatments such as chemical peels, laser therapies, microdermabrasion and IPL Skin rejuvenation.

Recommended Treatments

We offer the following treatments feel more confident in your skin. Get in touch and book a free skin consultation to start your journey 


Aimed at rejuvenating the skins appearance by promoting cell turnover and exfoliation


Non-invasive procedure design to rejuvenate the skin by removing dead skin cells and promoting a radiant complexion


Non-invasive procedure design to rejuvenate the skin by cleansing the skin and removing dead skin cells and promoting a radiant complexion


Non-invasive cosmetic procedure that uses high-intensity pulses of broad-spectrum light to improve the appearance of the skin.